No Maintenance

What Does ‘no Maintenance’ Really Mean?

The decision to join the community of eco-friendly artificial grass landscapers is an easy one if you’re done with the weekends of mowing and fertilizing all for the sake of a space that will match the warmth and hominess of the inside, on the outside. But does no maintenance really mean zero maintenance?

Caring for your bgg isn’t the same as maintaining a lawn.

That’s what we mean by no maintenance. You’ve heard us say it over and over because it’s the reason why we do business: our grass requires no watering, no mowing, no fertilizing. No more of the things that hurt the planet and harm your health. No more of the things that waste your money or take your time. 

How to Clean

Your Turf

The synthetic grass is gorgeous it’s true. With her sleek engineered blades, vibrant color combinations, and the exact texture you need for what you need, you know, soft where you need it, hard when it’s called for. You can almost call our grass perfect. Almost. But on a windy day, dust does get in her thatches.

After events, she holds the temperamental dips, divots and marks of rented furniture, heel marks and spilled wine. Megagrass doesn’t hold a grudge for long, all these things that might look unsightly are fixable. Here’s how to occasionally clean your turf. Get rid of...


Mold, coffee, alcohol, ice cream, gum, crayons, paint – just some of the elements of a full and happy life. Your Best green grass will wear those spills, mishaps and moments on her like a badge of honor until you decide it needs to go.


If it were any other moment, we’d say keep it. Keep the laugh lines, the crow’s feet, the paths on your forehead that all point to a life well lived. It’s character, after all, right? 

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